Mozzine Technologies

Mozzine Technologies helps businesses to digitise their infrastructure. You can inquire for B2B, and B2C cloud solutions, marketing, design and development services.

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A complete ERP software for schools and colleges.

Skoolzoom is a feature-rich school management software that made it to manage an educational institute.


Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean lacinia bibendum.

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec sed odio dui. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

  • Date

    17 May 2018

  • Client Name

    Cool House

See Project

SKOOLZOOM Modules & Features


  • Students analytics
  • Staff analytics
  • Families analytics
  • Attendance analytics
  • Classes & subjects analytics
  • Library books analytics
  • Transport passengers analytics
  • Fee & Funds analytics
  • Income & Expenses analytics
  • Cashbook anayltics

Student Module

  • Student management
  • Homework submission
  • Exam results
  • Family Register
  • Admission Register
  • Withdrawal Register
  • Session management
  • Instant SMS notification
  • Customizable Student Reports

Staff Module

  • Staff management
  • Staff Portal
  • Manage Allowances
  • Manage Deductions
  • Payment History
  • Timetable & Curriculum
  • Instant SMS notification
  • Customizable Staff Reports

Front Desk

  • Visitor Register
  • Admission Inquiry
  • Complaint Register
  • Family Information
  • Student Information
  • Instant SMS notification

Attendance Module

  • Student Daily Attendance
  • Staff Daily Attendance
  • Biometric Attendance (optional)
  • Daily Attendance Summary
  • Attendance Register
  • Attendance Sheet
  • SMS notification
  • Customizable Reports

Classes & Curriculum

  • Class Management
  • Sections Management
  • Curriculum Management
  • Timetable Management
  • SMS notification
  • Customizable Reports

Fee Module

  • Fee Concessions
  • Custom Fee Heads
  • Advance Fee Collection
  • 1-Click Fee Collection
  • 1-Click Fee slips & challans
  • 1-Click Fee Challan Printing
  • Scholarship Policy (for colleges only)
  • Intallment Creation (for colleges only)
  • Instant SMS notification
  • Customizable Fee Reports

Attendance Module

  • Salary Allowances
  • Salary Deductions
  • Custom Payroll Heads
  • Advance Salary
  • 1-Click Salary Payment
  • 1-Click Payroll Creation
  • 1-Click Salary Slip Printing
  • Instant SMS notification
  • Customizable Payroll Reports

Finance & Accouting

  • Single & Double Entry Accounting
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Bank Payment/Receipt Vouchers
  • Cash Payment/Receipt Vouchers
  • Journal / Account Ledgers
  • Balance Sheet
  • Trial Balannce
  • P/L Reports
  • SMS notification
  • Customizable Reports

Exam Module

  • Daily & Weekly Assessments
  • Monthly Tests
  • Terms Management
  • Final Exams
  • Award Sheets
  • Teacher Performance Analysis
  • 1-Click DMC Print
  • 1-Click Accumulative DMC Print
  • Result SMS notification
  • Customizable Exam Reports

Library Module

  • Book Authors
  • Book Publishers
  • Book Types / Racks
  • Book Items & Stock
  • Book Issue / Receipts
  • Customizable Reports

Transport Module

  • Pasengers Overview
  • Student Registration
  • Staff Registration
  • Vehicle Managment
  • Routes Managment
  • Stop / Stations Managment
  • Customizable Reports

Miscellaneous Features

  • Staff Portal
  • Parent Portal
  • SMS History
  • Auto SMS Alerts
  • Saving Custom Reports
  • Nearby Regions Managments
  • Former School Managments
  • Parents Profession Managments
  • 1-Click Session Promotions
  • Graphical reports & analytics
  • Multiple User Roles & Permissions
  • Master Account for top management

Check out our ready to use solutions.

School & College Management System

A cloud based solution for schools and colleges to manage the core tasks effectively. Manage multiple campus/branches, track progress and create reports from a single account.

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Branded SMS & OTP Services

BrandlySMS provides branded SMS and OTP services all over the Pakistan. You can also inquire for short-code registration for two way messaging.

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Premium Web Hosting Solution

Smart and feasible hosting services including shared hosting, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, SSL certificates and domain registration.

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